Contact Us About Indoor Air Quality, Mold, and Industrial Hygiene Studies
Phone: (847) 344-0607
Location: Bartlett, IL
For information on how Clean Air Sciences, Inc. can customize a project to fit your specific needs, please call or email us today. For investigative studies such as for mold or IAQ issues, keep in mind, the more historical/chronological information you have about your situation prior to your call the better we can plan our sampling and investigative strategies to streamline costs. Plan on at least a 10 – 15 minute phone call to get all the details we will need, and maybe 30 minutes if you have a complex health situation or need for an industrial hygiene study.
To request a proposal or cost estimate, please contact us by phone or email and give as much detail as possible. We will likely want to call back emails so that by gathering some important additional information we can make a cost estimate as accurate as possible.
If you call us, here is what to expect: our IAQ expert will answer the phone if available (if not on-site or on the phone). We don’t have some one who is marginally-trained try to set up a project for our expert. There are just too many important details that could be missed and too many important questions that will need to be asked to plan a sampling strategy that will get the information we need to solve your IAQ or environmental problem.